Sunday, June 15, 2008


Branik finally decided to mention my very own blog. Unfortunately, she's too big of a wuss to post it here. Darn. At least I have even more of my own people now. Thanks Branik! I couldn't have gotten this out to as many of the right people without your help.

Anyone want to know the types of characters that Branik builds? Here's a post from one of her groupies.

"LOVE IT!!!! don’t know what else to say, but I LOOOOVE It!!!
Cannot wait to hear of the first lynching. ha ha ha, aren’t I evil? yes the Police Blotter would totally satisfy my NEED TO KNOW (gotta keep that gossipy old lady within me at bay) personality."

Hmmmmm... That's all I got to say.

Note to Branik Followers: This blog is perfectly legal. If Branik can have opinions, I can, too. Everything I post in here is what I believe to be true. Branik can talk all that she wants. If she can decide that someone is a worthless cunt I can decide that her dogs suck.

P.S. Bran - the person with the Huskies does exist, buuuuuuuuuut I have no reason to prove it to you.

Also: Anyone has time when they have employees. When you know computer scientists computer things are a bit easier. Also, did it ever occur to you that all of the work on the new horse sim is taking up some time? Hmmmm... seems to me I shouldn't be playing horse sims and wasting time on them when I'm making my own.

Since Branik was asking a bunch of questions on her blog, I can ask a bunch on mine. Why does Branik care what I write? Why does Branik care who I am? Why does Branik get so worked up by what I write? How come Branik gets worked up about certain things, but just laughs other stuff off? Is it because she gets upset when people are too close to the truth? Does she need anger management classes?

Its hard to tell, but honestly, I don't really care. I could care less who Branik is. As far as I'm concerned, Branik is a character on the internet. I'm just cross because I'm not satisfied by what she made. I also think she's the biggest e-hypocrite I've met.

"Is it a strategy to make me distrust everyone? Is she trying to make me believe that the entire planet hates me? Making someone feel that alone and hated could really cause someone to have a breakdown, and maybe even kill themselves. Why would someone want to do it then?"

Hey, I never said the entire planet hates you. I'm just saying that your current actions could lead you to live a lonely life. The best friends in life are the ones you go out and get coffee with (for the most part). What would you do if the internet was suddenly gone one day? What if you had to find another job that didn't deal with horse sims?

I was giving you a taste of what I was seeing behind your back and what I've seen happen to people over the years. Perhaps some anger management classes are in order, but I highly doubt you'd ever accept them. I mean, you laughed at one of the greatest human psychology books ever written. That has to say something about your character.

You also claim that you are a believer of "do unto other as you would have them do unto you" or whatever. When you come to terms with the fact that you have no problem bashing someone through the internet and then accept that people are going to be bashing you right back through the same manner I can't see there ever being a problem.

If you don't want to hear other people's opinions and rants, don't tell them your own. It is simple.


Fideaux said...

I am totally happy that your blog got some much free press over there too. It is nice to know there are other people who feel the way You (I) do and to have a place to freely discuss it. It is a taste of her own medicine. I personally do not have a vendetta or a need to lash out at Branik. Her actions are just so outrageous I was astounded, and then began to notice how no one would even hint at disagreeing with her. Leading by fear. I felt bad for those people who asked innocent questions and got ripped into by the pack. Some of those people tried to suck it up so that they could stay and play (not quite ready yet to give up their horses, goals, and plans with the game) but they stewed. The next event with the next hapless victim usually sends the last victim over the edge. LOL They just say screw it, this is not worth it.

I am surprised by her statement that this game paid for a house and a truck. If it is generating that amount of income while being run so ineptly and with the Gestapo feeling.... makes you wonder how much a better game, with real customer service and no oppression would do? Though from what I have seen of her house in the pictures I would think she might like to invest a little more effort into increasing her customer base.

It is interesting to me that she is in such denial over the fact people dont like her. I have stumbled across her posts on several other blogs/sites and she has a pattern of showing her ass. No one is going to respect a person, no matter how knowledgeable they might be, if they berate you for having a different opinion or act as if they know everything and are condescending to school you. Not to mention peppering their every post with profanities. Then she runs back to home base to post of her latest fight in an attempt to glorify herself and make herself appear like a noble figure. To get accolades and the reassurance of the pack. Shes totally insecure and attention seeking.

Oh, how did you like the little comment about how this kind of thing could cause someone to think about killing themselves? Totally manipulative drama. Carefully worded in such a way that shes not saying she wants to, but just enough dramatic effect to get the drama princesses in a panic and all emotional over their tragic leader. Not that she really cares about the same thing when she runs one of her victims into the ground I am sure.

I really should spend the time to make an outline for myself before I begin to post. I have so many points I want to make and so many things I want to say when I begin and then lose them as I go when I get sidetracked by some tangent. Oh well. I have time.

I am thrilled to have your blog out there. I am glad that those who are astounded, frustrated, or hurt by the things going on over there have a forum to voice their opinions without fear of a lynching or losing their account to the ER Police and Comrade Branik.

Fideaux said...

I wish the player Jim_Craig would show up over here. I want to talk to her, but no idea how to get ahold of her.

This comment has been removed by the author.

I agree with you fideaux. I totally agree.

Fideaux said...

I pride myself on saying what I think. However, it is not always appropriate. It doesnt make you a noble or better person to just say every single thing with no discretion. It is a good thing to be able to voice your opinion, but to know when and how is the key. I think that is what her groupies are getting confused with. They have romanticized Branik into something she is not. The way you voice your opinion carries a lot of weight, and you will be more respected and what you say will be taking with more regard if you can state your opinion calmly and rationally. There is no reason to say spiteful and petty things. She sees herself as this avenging cowboy type figure who has the balls to say what she thinks when no one else does. And then can not for the life of her see why people dont applaud her for that. And just look what it does to her when it comes back her way?

Fideaux said...

I meant to say not always appropriate to just fling your opinion and comments out there willy nilly. With no regard for peoples feelings. And really sometimes your opinion will do no good. Will change nothing other than hurt someone.

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Fideaux said...

<<<<<<<<<<<“Long Haul, does not refer to a revolving door of comers and goers… a “Game” will stay alive as long as the owner is willing to pay the monthly server fees, regardless of whether that is 1 month or 10 years. I was talking more about reputation, not existence on the internet…be it 8 bucks for a shared server or 50 bucks for a VPS or your very own server ran out of your house. A game can exist timewise for as long a the owner pays the server fee, even if only 1 person plays the game.”

He thinks he knows so much. He’s attempting to make it sound like the only way E-R is staying online is by us supporting it.>>>>>>>>>>>>

Does anyone know where that quote is from? I couldnt find it on the commons or on Braniks blog as a comment. Then Mashie said there were three sites... makes me wonder if there is another blog somewhere about this topic.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you have this blog. The first 2 cases you showed I too had a problem with. I used to post on the boards sometimes, but I'm kinda afraid to now. I still like the game a lot, and will continue to play it. I am, however, intrigued by your game.
Bran was nice when I started playing, but I think she has started to lose it. She seems fairly unstable.

horseofdeath said...
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Rachael said...
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Fideaux said...

think they feel special that they are "in" with her. That mean girl mentality. But the majority of them seem well aware that you dont want to piss her off. They dont disagree with her, the same five or six of them constantly jump to reassure her. When the grade colt problem occurred there were at least 10 posts begging people to please not make Bran angry. Please Tiptoe around so you dont set off the bomb then we will all be punished.

Anonymous said...

The sad thing is I think that several of her "groupies" are nice people, have always been nice to me in-game. It's really Bran that is the problem.

Unknown said...
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Chewbacca said...

I wish the player Jim_Craig would show up over here. I want to talk to her, but no idea how to get ahold of her.

I haven't heard from her today, but did send her this link :D

Chewbacca said...

Other than the person who goes by MontanaLaura (she says she will be 57 in July), the other players say they are adult or over 30 or they are older....I haven't seen any of those people disagree with Branik, mom2ashley and Johara, especially. They agree that her game is "private" and it's a privilege from the owner to let us play. Then they comment about not serving rude people, that businesses are allowed to refuse service to anyone.

Whatever happened to the customer is always right? Nowadays, there are rude people that are "get right in your face before you ever speak" rude. Those are the ones that need to have service refused to. However, from what I've seen, is that people ask a question in the Commons and are given rude comments/replies from non-mods, mods and Branik. If they reply, it's seen as rude and the hunt is on! Also, how can it be a private game and it's open to the public....her paying customers? Her little groupies agree with this!

On Showhorse, one of the many Show games by Jeff Schroeder, I came across this post. Unfortunately the person left the game due to attitude by some people:
Not so sure about the people, the games seems great by XXXXXXXXXX
There are 9 replys, mostly explaining why some people are negative with their responses, the game is really not like that, etc. Reply #10:
Utopia Ranch
Basic User

If that person thought the forum in this game is bad, they need to try another horse game where the owner has a "personal" blog! When people irritate her, she dumps on them, calling the irritater all sorts of filthy names. Yes, she says the Blog is rated R, but anyone from the game can sign into it. I know that there are teenagers that are at least 14 that read it. So, I quit reading that mess and came back here.

The questions she responded to in the old forums would range from being pretty informative to rude, but without the filth. I had enough of it and left. I rather spend my hard earned money on a friendly game. Time away from that game will allow more time here, on TH and SD. I'm never straying again!!

Hhmmm, I wonder who this person was referring to?? :D

More later!

Fideaux said...

I used to play Jeffs games. Both Showdog and Showhorse. I left Showhorse just because it was still under development and I always thought I would come back later when it was more of a finished product. I wish I had never left now though. His style of service is something Bran should look into. He doesnt take any crap from people and I have seen him lay down the law when things were out of control. He never felt the need to berate or make a public spectacle out of the people who had been guilty of cheating or misconduct. He was always professional in his responses and behavior, but he didnt just bend over and say ok customer is always right. He is able to walk that line between customer service and not laying down and taking whatever the customer dishes out. I should probably go back there. Though I feel so behind now. Lots of props to Showhorse though, and all his games.

Fideaux said...

I just have to comment on what you said reference ages Chewie... I get the feeling that most of Brans group are teenage girls. They admire Bran for being outspoken, are easily manipulated by her victim speak (which she is great at), love the game, and last but not least feel special and important by being in the inner circle... what does surprise me is the adults who fall for this stuff and act the same way. Really pretty odd that they havent caught on by now.

Rusty said...

To Fideaux:

You asked about a quote, that quote was written by me in a comment on the "where do I start thread" here on this blog. That same "gir;" in also in my game asking me stuff in PM's. Probably to take back to the hungry pack. It's all so "drama" and silly. Very funny stuff this "Branik" person. But also sad.

horseofdeath said...
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Unknown said...
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horseofdeath said...
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sublimesummertime said...
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Chewbacca said...

Pro Branik Comments On Thirdpeppermint’s Blog Keep Disappearing

Looks like someone is deleting any “pro Branik” comments from her blog. On the post where she bashed on my choice of color names for the pearl colors that do not have real life names, someone posted that the names were picked from a list of choices I posted in chat, by the people present in chat. That comment has been deleted. Guess the truth about who chose the “cheesy” names like platinum diluted her point too much.

So as I understand it, what Branik is saying, is that the owner of this blog can wipe our comments? I didn't know that was possible. I sure hope that isn't happening as that gives fuel to their fire. It's far better to remain above her lowhandness.

Or did the original poster come back to edit their own post? I am not familiar with Blogs, so I have no clue.

Hang tuff!

Unknown said...

Only comments ive seen removed are removed by owner.

Unknown said...

owner = author

Cadence said...

I know for a fact that I have posted three or four times on this board, most of which were in conversation with Rusty. Not one of those posts can be found now.

Cadence said...

I know for a fact that I have posted three or four times on this board, most of which were in conversation with Rusty. Not one of those posts can be found now.

Haurvatat said...

Hmm. Been reading a little on your blog yesterday and today and the same thing keeps popping into my head every time I try to read it. Now you keep calling B an attention whore or similar things, yet I feel as I read what you write that that is actually all you are after – attention. I have never seen anyone make a blog about how bad a person, a site or for that fact anything else is without being after attention. The difference here seems to be that you don’t care how you get it; negative attention seems fine with you and the likes of you. I feel sorry for you, because someone feeling balanced and good about themselves wouldn’t feel a need to justify themselves by writing something like this.

I’m also wondering what you define as professional, since you keep saying that you are making a “professional” horse sim. I know that from what I have seen most of E-R is more professionally run then most of the sims out there that I have seen, Especially in the horse/pet/animal category. They are actually better at enforcing the rules of the site then any other game I have been on, most games lets people slip and slide for one reason or other. You might feel that its “unprofessional” by the E-R staff to enforce rules no matter who the person breaking them are, but in my eyes that puts everyone on equal ground – always.

Aleks said...

I'm never talking about enforcing rules. If you make rules then enforce them! Don't make it a part of your personal life. Don't call people names and try and get everyone else to hate them. That's the unprofessional part. This is about how you treat people, not about enforcing rules.

Cadence said...

But see that's the thing. It's usually the rule breakers that turn it against Bran. She'll catch them doing something they shouldn't, either give them a second chance or ban them (depending on what they did) and then the person banned blows up at Bran for catching them out. She defends herself and everything blows up.

Haurvatat said...

Just some more thoughts here. But if you think E-R to be such a bad game and its owner to be such a bad person and you hardly have time to play sims. Then why pour so much energy into a hate blog? Wouldn’t it be more giving to just ignore it? You have so far manage to make yourself look like a stalker that can’t let go. Of course I cannot say if that is why you do this or you simply have nothing better to do. But I know that I have left a lot of games behind me because I didn’t like the atmosphere or the game in itself. I for once would never start a hate blog about any of them. Why? Because to me it isn’t worth the energy to do such a thing, it won’t do anything good in the end.

A lot of the people that jumps on the “I-hate-branik-and-equine-ranch-bandwagon” seem to be people that broke the rules in some way, either through cheating or in some other way. Why do they do this? Is it because they feel unjustified by the staff upholding the rules? Do they feel that they have a right to hate a single person or a game because they broke the rules? I don’t know, but I do know that a lot of what I have seen so far has been far from honesty from people that has broken the rules. I have a quite strong feeling from reading some of the comments here that some of you people might be people that got punished for breaking the rules in some way and has latched on to this bandwagon. Just a feeling I get form what you are writing and how you are expressing yourselves.

And on the Braniks blog part, I think she has said that it is not actually a part of Equine Ranch (don’t quote me on this because I’m drawing it from memory and I can’t exactly place it), not as the commons are or any of the other features. The blog is her blog where she blogs about what she feels. If you are questioning why she links it from Equine Ranch, well ask her. She would probably give you a good enough reason. That is of course unless you think she has hidden motives with everything she does, and in that case it doesn’t matter what I say here and now, does it?

On the Russaria Issue, well that was just weird, from Russarias side mainly. Why? Because he did post a link, maybe not a clickable but that doesn’t make it any less of a link, not for me and not for most people, to his game. And that is clearly against the rules on E-R. everyone doesn’t of course agree with these rules or think they are the best thing on earth. But by joining E-R you do accept the rules and promise to abide them. I can’t say I know the whole story around that character wither. But I do know that I could find nothing hostile in removing a rule violating link (or text whatever you now twist it into) and telling the person to read the rules.

Rusty said...

Glad i could catch the statement right underneath it for clarity. I find it so wierd the way people keep acting like they are "Confused" about this or that. Of course I grant that the way she segments and twists things around like a personal game It could confuse a "middle of the road" either/or person who wasn't part of her pack. Haurvatat says they are confused because I did post a link just not a clickable one. Well I guess in this world there is such a thing as people having different definitions. To be so afraid , greedy, wierded out over mentioning a name in ANOTHER context of conversation is a personal problem or definition of their own and not everyone has to agree. It is not mine. Spammers don't upgrade their accounts and advertise, it defeats the purpose.Sure, I guess i have just been lucky, I haven't happened to have been around games ran like that. I have seen names mentioned, BUT NOT discussed, advertised, url linked, invited, requested, described, ect,ect. like advertisers do, In pretty much every game I've ever played. Without someone freaking out about it. It was never my intention to advertise or anything else.

So I did not post a link or advertise or discuss that game. Now on to the REAL issue, which I find increasingly funny. Everyone from there keeps saying my response to her action (The edit and accusation) was what I called "Hostile" and why I didn't want to be around that despite the game looking good. IT WASN'T. It was when I goggled the site AFTER seeing what she did, AFTER looking at cached arguments and THIS BLOG. That is when I responded to her action regarding a Hostile Atmosphere. IF she had done what she did and NOTHING else was found, I would have thought her action silly, unusual in my experience, but I probably would have said NOTHING else. I would have went on and played the game and just never went back in the forum. It was only my curiosity at her action, which caused me to google the site, finding all the arguments, bans, and fights and this blog that THEN made me decide I didn't want to be there and THAT is when I posted the response about a hostile atmosphere which SHE then went apeshit over. So it was not her edit or accusation that I called hostile, it was the whole atmosphere that I found AFTER her edit and accusation and that is what I said in my response..not "Hostile action" I said "Hostile atmosphere". The whole atmosphere ..ALL OF THIS! This blog, her blog, all the bannings and her fits of torret anger and drama. The way they scank around from here to there, like a bunch of teenage jawbreakers.

Her reputation and the atmosphere I stated are without doubt proven in spades by this whole mess. It is unlike ANYTHING I have ever seen in a game before.

People have a right to like what they like and play what they want. ER players think its the best, well so does Howrse and Pony Island, and showhorse (and Jeff's other games), and trophy horse, sand box farm, and pure felinity, an Virtual Horse Ranch, on an on and on and on. But what Ive never seen players of those games do is thrash and trash. She claims my "warning" in my forum is trashing her game, nope, Its just what it says, a warning to walk gingerly in ER if they want to play because I did not want anyone to go to that game from MINE and then have it reflect back on me for letting someone post the game discussion there. Now on her blog she has claims all her minions are in there "laughing" at it, even her if I care, I mean what is that saying? "Consider the source before you assign a level of offense to a remark". I mean seriously to go in our off trade forum offering free blue ribbon upgrades for PL players..LOL Yet she and her menions bark at the bone on here and there about how important her rules are in principle and action. How silly and hypocritical can you get? Sure her minions are going to take it all to the max, but I tell ya, people who do not play ER who look at the situation and what they've done/are doing would find it very hard to think they were anything but a nuch of the worst kind of hypocrits. Well I guess we have our fun in our own ways. I hope they are having

HorseLuva908 said...

*shakes head*
Your a sad sad person, get a life! Your here complaining about a really great person, who has invented a really great game. We are not Bran's lap dogs, and Bran is not a bitch. If you want to know the one who's being bitchy then you don't need to look anywhere else, but at yourself.

quote from atomicksey - When she shut the game down over some stupid ass comments on her blog I was absolutely outraged. Not at the people who said those things, but at Branik. I just wanted to slap her right across the face and say "stop punishing the rest of us because you are pissed at some dumb comments".
This is the reason she shut it down because of people like you! If their wasn't people like you playing this game then that version would probably still be up and running.
Carry on with your unwanted backstabbing, everyones here to laugh at your childish, bitchy comments. Grow up.
Oh, just to tell you, we do have fun and Bran is great, in future keep your bitchy comments to yourself.

sublimesummertime said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Aleks said...

I wasn't sure where to find that comment she made about people complaining on her blog, but I had remembered reading it. I'm glad other people noticed as well.

lawdispatcher said...

I LOVE reading this blog mate. Finally, a dose of good for her. You are right on point and say it like it is. Keep em coming!

Jim Craig...

Oh, and bran...Jim Craig =Anakins Legions...Really? Now theres a stretch since one of my ranches went by the same name on YOUR game. Dummy.

Demonmare said...

"Lol and looking down at Demonare's post.. That is too funny. She is saying how, "they feel vindicated in their childish rants. See what you need to picture is some two year old and there you have it." LOL I don't know how she can sit there and post that and not take a look at her beloved Branik. If anyone is posting childish rants then it's Branik. We need only to look through her blog for proof of this."

Actually I can sit here. You think you started something new...nope honey you just jumped a bandwagon and you yourself have become something of what you accuse Branik of being. I am seeing deleted posts and a teenaged clique forming here. Something that you have accused me of being. Which by the way I haven't been a teenager for a long time, but yet know a fair amount of them. This little gaggle is now like the group of girls hiding in the corner talking behind their hands because they can not stand toe to toe to a person that they have decided to Bully.

But you have a few facts wrong though...huge ones...
Fideaux said...
think they feel special that they are "in" with her. That mean girl mentality. But the majority of them seem well aware that you dont want to piss her off. They dont disagree with her, the same five or six of them constantly jump to reassure her. When the grade colt problem occurred there were at least 10 posts begging people to please not make Bran angry. Please Tiptoe around so you dont set off the bomb then we will all be punished.

If you were ever a true friend then you would see what I was doing. Those of us that have been with the game and know Bran knows that she takes these things to heart as she makes sure that everything runs smoothly. It is not "set off the bomb" it is "Stop harping on something we already know about" Every paying customer was messaged on all ranches at what had happened. She did not have to do that, it wasn't automated folks, that was hand done I believe. I don't think I am special so please do not put words into my mouth.

I actually do not do confrontation well and am not one that wants to be the "mean girl" but I do stand up for myself and do not let people treat me like crap. I am really getting a bit tired of being called a groupie. I would like to know it is that you feel that you must call me names. What have I done to you? Oh I am sorry I defended a friend and stood up for something that I thought was right. So by your comments you are doing exactly what is it that you accuse Branik of doing.

By the way its D e m o n m a r e, you forgot a m.

Again another point...
quarterhorses31 said...
The sad thing is I think that several of her "groupies" are nice people, have always been nice to me in-game. It's really Bran that is the problem.

How is it just Bran when we are her "groupies" as you have called us over and over. How we just want to be Mean Girls and are all...

Fideaux said...
I just have to comment on what you said reference ages Chewie... I get the feeling that most of Brans group are teenage girls. They admire Bran for being outspoken, are easily manipulated by her victim speak (which she is great at), love the game, and last but not least feel special and important by being in the inner circle... what does surprise me is the adults who fall for this stuff and act the same way. Really pretty odd that they havent caught on by now.

But I am not a teenaged girl. I am not sure if personally I have gone to toe to toe with any that are here, but I have dealt with many over the years and have tried to be as fair as I could be. But you have lumped into the groupie list. See thats the problem with over generalizing you get a whole lot of people in that list that you may not have thought of.

But it has also been stated that I must be a misguided adult. No I am of the old school of thinking where one works for what they get and do not expect handed to me as this society is teaching. So I guess I am a misguided adult who holds down a full time job, trains horses, volunteers for numerous community things, who put myself through college and university while being a single mother of two and working full time; just because I am a Branik "groupie".

I call them as I see them...
From "Postive Child Guidance Fifth Edition; Miller Ferris Darla;Thomson Delmar Learning" page 377
"Children who want control but fail to get their way with others may react by pouting, stubbornly refusing to participate, or "causeing a scene." The toddle who wants (but does not get) ice cream for dinner, for example, may push his plate off the high-chair tray, kick his feet, scream, shake his head and generally refuse to have anything to do with roast beef and carrots. Parents and early educators do no favor either by giving in to the toddler (and thus encouraging her controlling behavior) or by forcing nutritious food on her against her will. They can , however, avoid a power struggle by simply removing the toddler from the high-chair and allowing her to express her anger."

In other words folks you were removed from the high chair and now I see you are expressing your anger. I have read somewhere in this blog about Bran not coming to post here...why would she, it is you that are pouting.

"Postive Child Guidance Fifth Edition; Miller Ferris Darla;Thomson Delmar Learning" page 378
"Some children, when failing to gain control by other means, resort to bullying or rebelling. They gain control over smaller children by overwhelming them." "A child, consequently, might be tempted to control adults by being so rebellious, so out of control, that adults feel totally helpless."

Three years that I know of for sure of dealing with "children" that want things there way and "be dammed" what the world thinks. Three years of death threats because they were caught cheating, three years of "moms" calling Branik names because there perfect little janey or johny could never have broken Bran's horrid rules. And three years of "I didn't know that" when it has been stated more than once in fifteen different places, have lead to Bran's personal blog, which has nothing to do with the game other than to let off steam of the above reasons. It is you that have taken it personally folks and in doing so you have attacked innocent people.

A little of the "pot calling the kettle black" going on here I think. I don't expect positive comments from this as this is not what this blog is about...but this is my words. If you want to take my Name in vain then expect a response as well as documented reasoning behind my words. If you would like to discuss it with me further than by all means you know where to find me.

By the way in my personal place I too swear when frustrated. I too will call one names when they get too aggressive with me and start to infringe upon my guys forget "the customer is not always right...Microsoft Vista is a true testament to that...but you can't get a new computer without it." You have entered Bran's living room by invitation and you are like the guest with no cooth and no manners. You are the guest that slops stuff on the floor, talks to loud and is in all other guests faces. This game is something to pay for, but that doesn't make you any better than any of the free players. You didn't have to pay to be in Bran's living room playing on her game, you could have stayed free. You seem to think that because you paid for it then you are entitled to something. I payed over 1000$ for a working computer and its operating system think Microsoft cares...nope they just keep right on spitting out the buggy operating system and care less what their customers think. And as for the free accounts, I don't know of to many games that don't make you pay to play.

So prove me right and bash me...prove me right and delete me...I was brave enough to come in here as I am, I answered the call as you called me in. Why don't you post as you are known by the rest of us. Why hide if you are so dissatisfied with the service that you are receiving and the treatment that you are suffering. Why hide if you are right?

Unknown said...

Branik does not ever go out on a crazy limb and attack somebody. And all in all, I would have to agree with her actions. If you want to act like an immature person and be rude, then you are just opening yourself up to the same treatment.

Why do you think you should be able to attack somebodies character, and then get upset when they do the same? And it's not as if she does this because she can.. she does it because this is HER GAME. Her website, her coding, her ideas and work.. it's all her, sweets. She allows us to play ER, to be a part of a community that was supportive and really not hostile at all. Sure, there were some idiots who had to be dealt with for signature rules or for advertising, but I don't remember full on attacks between members who had been there awhile.

Do you want to know why the commons became hostile at times? Because of all the players who were upset about something they hadn't even experienced first hand. They felt that their second-hand opinion was important enough to break up a community. And you know, it wasn't even your opinions or thoughts that did anything. It was the fact that you were intruding on a community where people and players were helpful, supportive, and friendly. And by inviting yourself in, not for the purpose of the commons, you created the friendly community into the "hostile" community you call it. You are the hostility.

If you hated it so much, then why not leave? I agree with Branik when she says that if you dislike the manner a business is run, then you DON'T USE IT. Using a game only supports it. You are supporting Branik by playing her game, and you are only reducing the credibility of any opinion on here whatsoever if you still play the game. The simple fact that you cannot just let this go and move on shows some sort of attachment to the game.

I say grow up and move on kids.

patti1 said...

I completely agree with Demonmare. Every single thing she has said points at the validity of anything Bran does.
You say that Bran's "groupies" are all teenagers? And "we always stick up for her?"
You, my dear little children, are wrong. I can't even begin to tell you how many times me and Bran have butted heads, but I still respect her...I respect her immensely - as a game owner and for the things she's done in her past for the better of anyone and everything around her.
She has EVERY RIGHT to become angry with all of you. Equine-Ranch/SomeHorseGame, that is her brainchild. She worked her hind-end off and paid monetarily and in ways that you would never even know about to create this game just for people to play.
"The customer is always right?" Oh, yeah, sure. So the customer is always right...the customer has every right to hit you in the face, spit on you, throw a temper tantrum in the emergency room because the headache that they've had for the past four days without even trying Aleve, and you're not rushing to get them back in a room? But in your mind, the customer is always right.
The customer service representative has no right to ask you to calm down or hang up on you when you get completely belligerent and cuss at them over the phone?
The person making your sandwich has no right to tell you to get out of the store when you start acting a fool?
The old adage comes to mind - "Treat others as you wish to be treated."
Now, about Bran's "groupies" being teens? Well hell, I'm 19, but I have a full time job and support myself and use E-R as a release from work and to learn about things around me.
My thing is, here I stand, unafraid of you children, using my actual screen name that I use on E-R. Yet you hide behind fake disguises...why? Are you afraid? That is the only conclusion I could come to.
Here's a great website you'll get an excellent kick out of! And sorry, it won't be a direct link for you to click...because if you can't figure out how to copy and paste, you're obviously lacking in your mental capacity for learning and should have never bitched about E-R in the first place. Not Bran's fault your IQ is so low that chimps are more intelligent than you.
Since you seem to think, regardless of what you say, that this blog is going to change a grown ass woman (amazingly enough, it won't - people change when they want, and Bran is fine how she is..."individuality")...maybe you young brats should open your eyes and see just how things really are. You are obviously really young, inexperienced about the world, and do have a lot of growing to do. Don't even bring up the fact of my age...I was raised completely different than you as I can tell from each and everyone one of your posts. (Ahh, I'm using the "grouping" technique. Just like you use in referral. I know I'm not right 100%, but I bet 75% of "every one of your posts" meet my requirements.) =)
Honestly, if you don't like something or someplace, just leave. You stir up a lot of..."crap" can't handle - as is completely obvious.
I don't even know how your parents put up with you little brats.
One other good people have shown falsehoods against Branik and her game. I smell an easy lawsuit...and I bet mommy and daddy wouldn't like that, now would they? Court costs are really, really expensive!

patti1 said...

Oh yes, one point I forgot to mention...Bran's blog requires a log-in to read any of the material on it. So, the question is, where are the parents when that little 12, 13, or 14 year old signs up for it?

Maddy said...

I hope you all welcome me here. Im sure you have seen my posts in Braniks blog. I believe all of her so called problems started when I had a horse show up on my ranch that "I" didn't buy. But anyhow I was kicked from the game with some nasty words and threats of being taken to court...all becuase I voiced my opion. Branik realy needs to get a clue. She needs to stop trying to hurt everyone. Anyway....once again I hope I am welcome here. Thanks for reading.
Oh and Im not a crazy person like Branik is trying to make everyone to believe. LOL

Maddy said...

Oh and i am realy lookin forward to the new game! glad to see there are others who dislike how branik acts.

CrossinDixonCowgirl said...

She just suspended me from the game and liabled me as a racest.

Crossin Dixon Cowgirl: E-R Customer Service:
Bran: You dare to diminish this incredible accomplishment

Me: Yes, I do...and it's only incredable to Obama supporters. This topic just rubs it in the face of those of us who are anti-Obama. There's 2 things in life that are pretty much too touchy to discuss without feelings getting hurt and tempers flairing...that's politics and religion.

Bran: The OP was sad about him winning, so I fail to see how this topic rubs it in the face of anti-Obama people.

We have discussed religion and politics peacefully here on E-R multiple times, so that proves the falsehood of that statement.

The only tempers that are flared right now are those of the racist among us that want to dare to diminish the victory of this black man.

Crossin Dixon Cowgirl: E-R Customer Service:
Bran: How mighty white of you.

Me: I take that as a compliment, thank you.

Bran: I suspected as much. As clearly any self respecting southerner would know what that means, and would not find it a compliment unless they are racist, that confirms it.

Crossin Dixon Cowgirl has been suspended from the game for being racist.

ElmerFudd said...

Though some things she says to people are most certainly deserved, I've also seen plenty that aren't and she has too much of a temper and snarky attitude in my opinion. I followed all the rules when I played ER, but I thought she was simply too unreasonable at times and I stopped. The game sort of fell off anyway. I really don't have enough time in my life to be caring for imaginary horses seven days a week.