Branik suspended Crossin Dixon's account(s?). Why? Apparently, she was rude. (Oh no, this again!)
I highly doubt that Crossin Dixon and I would be "friends" in real life because we have different views, but I understand that people feel strongly about things that I may feel the exact opposite about. I don't think politics are a good discussion for a game forum. That's my opinion. It is something that people feel very strongly about and can easily get fired up about. I don't bring up politics with strangers. Ever. I vote as I want, do my own research, and only offer my views if it is asked for. That's it. I'm very non-confrontational.
That being said, I want to address some things I read in that thread.
People had a lot of different opinions. Some love Obama, some love McCain. Pretty much ALL of them are doing what they think is right. In their heads, they think that what they have decided is the best. I commend everyone, no matter who they voted for, for taking them time to get out there and trying to make a difference.
As far as this black vs. biracial thing - it's learned folks. I had no idea that there was supposed to be a difference until I was taught that in elementary school. People were people to me. I always hated having to refer to someone as black or Asian because everyone is just human to me. Honestly, as soon as people stop pretending that they're different beyond what shade of foundation they need for their face we'll stop having these issues.
I think its also very likely that we have had a president with African blood before. I met a girl that is part black, part Native American, and part white and she looks like she just stepped off the boat from Scandinavia. A bunch of pasty white British people had a DNA test done and found out that they have close genetic ties with a family group in Africa. Branik herself is part Native American (as well as a few more people I work with) and they are all blindingly white. Every picture I saw of Branik (that she posted on her forums back in the day) screamed white. Then she posts this gem:
"You are obviously not a person of color.
We -are- our skin color to everyone around us. We -live- our skin color every day. Ever notice there's no biracial box to check on forms? We are what we live as. If our skin is not pristine white, we aren't white.
To every racist ***** out there we -are- colored I don't care what tone our skin is or how many of you want to define us as "biracial" or "breeds" when it suits you. They don't beat us half as hard just because we have a white ancestor or our skin is light.
The man is black.
You clearly know nothing about this topic so please just stay quiet."
Funny. The person she posted that for happened to be of "colored skin." Congrats, Branik! Open mouth - insert foot.
The other day I was walking around the city and saw a group of African-Americans calling some Somali immigrants "monkeys." This was because the Somali people were the color of freshly brewed coffee instead of coffee with cream. Branik's post reminded me of that. Also - get over yourself Branik. You can be proud of your ancestry, but stop acting like a racist. You said that this posted wasn't a person of color and couldn't understand their plight and you were wrong. What about women? They are considered a minority, shouldn't they be able to have an idea of what it's like to be "oppressed."
Can we just replace the word "black" with "exotic" when we talk about people? Obama is the most exotic president we've ever had, imho.
There! End of argument.
"Honestly? I don't care what color he is. That's really not why I voted for him. I wish people would stop making this about race." - a forums member
That's also my opinion. Obama didn't win "in spite" of being black, like Branik said, but rather that a large number of people have realized that human beings are all human, no matter where their ancestors came from, how dark there skin is genetically or artificially. Honestly, I've seen a bunch of white girls that had skin so dark you'd swear they had a parent from the heart of Africa, but it was tanning. I've also seen "black" girls so light that you mistaken them for a white girl. At least, I have that problem. I guess Branik has a special sense to smell the origins of people's families just by looking at them.
"I know y'all are starstruck" - CrossinDixon in reference to Obama
What she's saying is that, in her opinion, Obama is very charismatic and a talented politician (true) and she fears that once he's in office he won't be able to accomplish what he promised.
Oh! I LOVE this quote by Branik:
"If you were giving a description to the cops of a guy that shade of black that just robbed you, you'd say "he was black" not "he was biracial.""
The part that I love is how she uses the example of a robber being black instead of being non-racist and saying that the person was a hottie walking down the street.
However, I agree that this whole gay-marriage-ban stuff is absurd. Marriage started as secular, then became religious when the church wanted to control it, and has now become legal (ahem, religious still...) because the government wanted to... control it? If I had my way there would be no "legal" definition of "marriage." You can have households, just not a ceremonial marriage. I'm not saying that you can't have a marriage ceremony, but I don't think the government should have anything to do with people's love lives.
Here is an EXCELLENT quote from a forums user:
"This is what proves to me that this country is not ready for a black President: we all have to point out that he's black, get offended by people who try to diminish that fact, debate his ancestry, whatever. The day this country is really and truly ready for a black (or woman, or gay, or transsexual, or whatever minority you want) President is the day nobody even mentions that he's black; the day a President is a President regardless of colour, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, etc."
This person has it figured out!
At this time Crossin Dixon comes in and makes her final comment. It includes this sentence:
"There's 2 things in life that are pretty much too touchy to discuss without feelings getting hurt and tempers flaring...that's politics and religion."
She also has it figured out. Her feelings were crushed by this! This goes against what she believed and she has every right to be upset. How come Branik can lash out at the poster that she felt had no right to discuss the plight of people with slightly darker skin than Norwegian natives and Crossin Dixon not lash out about her country falling to shambles in front of her?
A reply from another poster:
"Furthermore, while politics and religion (and about a zillion other subjects) can get very touchy, it is imperative that they -are- discussed. No one should shy away from speaking their mind on such matters for fear that doing so will rouse the tempers and sensitivities of others. Discussion and debate of "sensitive" topics is an integral part of the governance of our country"
I hate to be the person to say it, but when you tell people your opinion when it is the exact opposite of something they feel strongly about, they're probably not going to like you. It's human nature. You have to learn how to present things in a calm, collected way. Despite my liberal ways, I can see where CrossinDixon was coming from. Her feelings were hurt, her temper flared, she got suspended, and her opinion was not swayed. If anything I feel that it helped her feel more strongly about her beliefs. There is a time and place for everything, including debate, but I don't think an online game forum is the place. It takes the fun out of the game.
Crossin Dixon also apologized for upsetting people (still suspended). Branik's reason?
"Crossin Dixon Cowgirl has been suspended from the game for being racist."
I don't think Branik really had the right to call that player racist when she herself is speaking some rather racist things.
CuttinDeep also posted some opinions that Branik didn't agree with and sparked her rage, but I don't feel like getting into that right now. Perhaps another day, if I remember.
Monday, November 10, 2008
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Well said.
Branik needs to get over her anger issues and stop banning people for disagreeing with her.
She sure is a b**ch sometimes.
CrossinDixonCowgirl had been given many second chances in the past to redeem herself.
"My second reply.
Subject: Re: suspended ranch?
Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2008 21:18:47 -0500
Organization: Some Horse Game
X-Mailer: Sylpheed 2.5.0 (GTK+ 2.14.3; i586-mandriva-linux-gnu)
I don’t care if you apologized. Your behavior as a sore loser was violating the terms and conditions for using the site. You’ve had more second chances than anyone in the history of the game. Jim is sick of you constantly coming up as a behavior problem.
I am not alone in feeling your comments were racist. You were reported by 18 people. Four others commented in chat, and two others on another forum.
Don’t drag out claims of being biracial just because you supposedly had some native ancestors that you claim when it suits you. You live as white, you are white.
You’re done here."
"# votingrights Says:
November 6th, 2008 at 9:41 pm
Ah, yes, the artwork. I think that’s the first thing I remember about her.
I don’t remember if it was on the old, old commons, or if it was possibly on Q’s old board, but yes, indeed, she did try that.
# Branik Says:
November 6th, 2008 at 10:07 pm
It was on the Commons. She was selling them to players as signatures and using them herself. We were all suspicious (staff) but we found one that she hadn’t succeeded in covering the artist’s signature completely. I rooted around her photobucket and found the unaltered versions and tracked down one of the artists.
# Cheyenne Says:
November 6th, 2008 at 11:46 pm
“We were all suspicious (staff) but we found one that she hadn’t succeeded in covering the artist’s signature completely.”
What made you all so suspicious?
# Branik Says:
November 6th, 2008 at 11:49 pm
“What made you all so suspicious?”
The works she showed were all different styles. Artists works always have a common style.
The quality of the works combined with only having them in thumbnail sizes."
Then there was the libel incident, which I believe may have been brought up here once?
From the Site Rules:
"The following things are prohibited on Equine-Ranch. (Including in in-game messages, chat, and forums):
1. Offensive behavior
2. Rude behavior
3. Disruptive behavior"
Allie, I think you're missing the entire point.
This isn't a "defend CrossinDixonCowgirl." This is a "Branik is hypocritical."
After all, Branik DID ban someone for not even saying anything against her, just because of the person
s association with me.
Branik has anger and ego problems that she needs to fix because she could hope to become a respectable person. If she doesn't care she needs to stop whining about it. End of story.
And that was supposed to be "before" instead of "because."
I have to say, this comes a surprise to me. If I remember correctly, Crossin Dixon was a quarter horse breeder on the game and bred pretty good horses. That, being besides the point anyway.
I am not surprised that Branik suspended her. From what little I have seen here, I dont have to know Branik's side. She is a bitch. Though really guys, this game is all she has ever had. She is in charge and its her rules.
I mean, come on, she and Jim were pizza delivery people. There is nothing wrong with that, but they have found their way out from underneath the perpetual dog's butt and into the sun courtesy, of ER.
She might even be a nice person, actually in person, so maybe she uses her powers on those who actually have to pay to deal with her online. I still think she is a bitch and someday, she will get whats coming her way. She is going to tick off the wrong person or hurt someone into a frenzy, and they will catch up to her. GIS makes it all too easy to find an address, and lets not forget public records that everyone has access to.
I am saying this as a warning, not as a threat, because I know Branik will read this. You might choose to be careful Branik, as much as you need a lesson in dealing with people, I would sincerely hate for anything bad to happen to you over a bunch of pixelated horses and pretend.
Just something to chew on.
If you don't like her, don't play her game? Lots of games out there to channel your energy on. Most of them have admins who don't like it when you get on their bad sides, but whatever.
"I mean, come on, she and Jim were pizza delivery people."
Real classy, by the way. So glad to see classism alive and well in America, land of opportunity for everyone as long as they're not involved in the pizza service industry, apparently. I also like the part where you insinuate that when someone tracks her down and maims or kills her, it's her just desserts. That doesn't make you sound bad at all.
If you don't like what happens; you don't like the discussions; you don't agree with the personal creation that is ER, then don't play. Hanging on to this dislike is so idiotic.
That said, Allie is correct in saying that CrossinDixonCowgirl has been given second chances. Maybe if she was clean-cut player who gave a strong opinion and some statements that offended many, she may have gotten off with a less severe penalty. However, as known to some players, she has cheated in the past. She has offended others on the commons before with her statements.
Please go grab yourself a life ;)
Wow, even groupies find their way here to defend poor helpless game creator? YOU go get a life. We are all just fine right here and can say what we want.
It is a free country you know. At least for now.
I for one, will NEVER forgive what she said about me and to me. What gives her the right to sit on a high horse and call anyone a PMSing BITCH and none of us have the right to say what SHE really is here. She can go fuck herself, and so can all of you. Go worship her on her site. Shake your heads and say poor poor B. Poor poor thing. Yeah, poor. Takes your money then suspends you for whatever trips her fucking physcotic trigger. The woman is a bitch with an ego complex.
She has hurt so many people, and all you little groupies cling to her skirt tails in fear of banishment. I dare you to say its anything different. I would go so far to say if she were in political power, I would be the first to raise the Antichrist alarm.
Take your pathedic defense of that vile woman elsewhere. We dont care about her here. We are the outcasts that share banning together, so we can shit talk and express our real feelings here as we please. Get a life and STOP telling others how to live theirs.
We wont forgive Bran.
We WONT play her game.
We WONT bow down to your wishes to grant her a reprieve.
I believe she is old enough to wipe her own snotty nose and wipe her own ass, she doesnt need you. You're just a pawn.
There, go back to the dragon's layer and cry to B so she can post something truly inspiring about all of it.
'Wow, even groupies find their way here to defend poor helpless game creator? YOU go get a life. We are all just fine right here and can say what we want.'
I do believe we have a life. This is what we do in our spare time.
'She can go fuck herself, and so can all of you. Go worship her on her site. Shake your heads and say poor poor B. Poor poor thing. Yeah, poor. Takes your money then suspends you for whatever trips her fucking physcotic trigger. The woman is a bitch with an ego complex.'
I know many people who have done something wrong, and lived to tell the tale. I have personally played the game pretty much since it opened, and you know what? I'm still happily playing it, and believe it or not I don't kiss ass either, I simply play by the rules. Which apparently is the secret to the game.
'She has hurt so many people, and all you little groupies cling to her skirt tails in fear of banishment. I dare you to say its anything different. I would go so far to say if she were in political power, I would be the first to raise the Antichrist alarm.'
Compared to the amount of people who play the game in total that number would be very small.
I treat Bran the same as I treat others, and get treated the same way. Perhaps you should give that a try.
I've rewritten this post many times, but I've finally found what I want to say.
I am very sorry that you are so insecure that you project your insecurities onto those of us who can get along with Branik, calling us "groupies". Because really, I'm not afraid of being banished, because I can say my piece if I'd like to as long as I don't say anything offensive or insulting in the process. Which is totally within reason, by the way.
It's your prerogative to not play the game. I for one would like to keep it a positive environment anyway.
If you are so hurt from being suspended from an online game, well, I'm sorry you're so sensitive and vindictive.
Another thing about groupies. Why is it you think it is so black and white. Either you're an "outcast sharing banning together" or you're a "groupie clinging to her skirt tails". Is it possible that some people can disagree but word it in a way that isn't offensive to people of another opinion? Is it possible that those of a different opinion just don't say anything at all and continue playing happily?
Because from what I've seen, it's only people who fly off the handle or say downright offensive things who get banned.
Really, I'm not that insecure that I have to brown nose to be or stay on Branik's good side. It's a matter of being polite, which frankly people could remember as a rule for everyday life. I feel badly that you are so insecure that if you can't get along with Branik, then OBVIOUSLY no one can unless they are a groupie who hangs on Bran's every word.
And finally - I think politics can be discussed as long as people keep their heads about them and aren't inflammatory. All it takes are some manners.
"She has hurt so many people, and all you little groupies cling to her skirt tails in fear of banishment. I dare you to say its anything different."
Wrong. I agree with Bran because she's right on a lot of things. If she says something I don't agree with, yes, I'll disagree. I have disagreed with her in the past in a big way. I was not suspended for it. My ranch was in no way affected by it. Yes, I was reprimanded for it. I did have some punishment on the commons (not able to alter karma for a while), but in all honesty, I think the punishment should have been more.
You can't just sit there harboring all this negativity and lash out when something provokes you. I know from experience that it's not a good way to live. I lost a good friend that way. I had a deep dislike for Bran and anyone that associated with her. I reviewed some old stuff from the incident that set everything off, and all the negativity welled up and I lashed out at an innocent person.
Up until April I had no intentions of ever forgiving Bran. Of course up to that point I also didn't realize that I was the one that needed to ask for forgiveness. I still haven't forgiven Bran, but only because she didn't really do anything wrong. She doesn't need to be forgiven because there's nothing to forgive. I wasted my time to make things harder for her. What do I get in return? Well...she helped me realize something very important that has made a huge, huge difference in my life. I'm grateful for that, truly I am. I got over my past issues with her. I apologized. I was happy again.
The point is, even when I was at odds with her, my account was not in danger. If your account is affected, it's because of something you did in the game (including the commons). It's not "just because." When I had my problems, they were on a forum that was not part of the game, but was player-run. So despite my attitude, I was not punished in the game. Had I said those things on the commons, yeah, I probably would have been punished in-game, even suspended (not that doing it elsewhere is any better, it's just that since it was done outside the game I wasn't punished within the game).
I held onto my anger and negativity for a year. It was too long. I can only hope you can get over it soon, or at least move on and stop wallowing in it.
I also urge you to look within yourself when you say these things about others. If you have a problem with someone, look at how you're acting. Self-fulfilling prophecy.
It's in your soul that the true distortion lies.
I think that this blog is absurd. Do you realize you have made a blog devoted to hating one person and an online game? Why? Because you are angry that you have gotten banned (for whatever reason) and because you don't agree with the things Branik does, etc! Whatever the reason be you just need to get over it already. What you are doing is seriously unhealthy. You are not a member of the ER community anymore, you don't play the game - just get off of it. Go on with your life! Maybe devote some of this time you spend hating her and ER on a constructive hobby.
I will probably get some replies saying I am one of Branik's groupies. All I can say about that is, why do you have to be so "black and white" about it (Thanks Rhinestone). I simply follow the rules and if I have an opposing viewpoint or don't necessarily agree with Branik (which does happen!) I present my differing opinions in a polite and professional way - which by the way is how you should go about it in RL - and I have yet to get banned for doing this! Everyone, at one point or another, has had a run-in with her. A large majority of the players that have are still playing on ER and have grown and become better people as a result. I have never seen her ban anyone that followed the rules - NEVER! I have never seen her ban anyone who presented their differing viewpoints or opinions in a polite and professional way either!
Regarding Crossin Dixon I think you should just stay out of it. She got what she deserved. Branik said she has given her more chances than anyone and she still kept messing up. I thought what Crossin Dixon did was distasteful and to be honest quite offensive. She tried to downplay an historic event and discount everyone who had voted for him or supported him as being "star struck" (if I remember right). How dare she do that. I was further disappointed with her when she tried to bully, beg and bribe her way back on ER. She acted as if she was something special and Branik would bend the rules for her. I honestly don't know what she was thinking. Even if Branik had let her come back, how could she have ever held her head up high again, I would be so embarrased and ashamed of myself for acting that way. She needed to take her punishment and move on with her life - not act the way she did. I lost all respect for her with this incident and so did so many others. I think that anyone who read the messages she sent Branik can agree that she needs professional help. I'm not sure if she is going to see this blog but you defending her and her actions (which is what you're doing!) is not helping her, it's only hurting.
Okay, I think I've made the points I wanted to make.
I wonder how many people defending their ultimate role model know that I didn't get myself banned from the game and then make this. I actually quit and then made this. And then possibly got banned. I don't remember.
Besides, I enjoy writing this too much to just stop. I am actually very flattered that you guys even bothered to type up little responses to what I wrote. Thanks guys.
That being said I tip pizza delivery people VERY well.
Anyway, I'm going to go back to doing research. I'll be back in a week maybe. Science is 24/7!
Please keep posting - ALL of you. I am interested in seeing Branik's admirers as well as those who find themselves disillusioned with the whole thing.
However, I would like to see something that relates DIRECTLY to the topic at hand (mainly Branik's admirers).
P.S. Is "admireres" a better term for you guys than "groupies?"
Considering we are neither, neither word is better suited.
Hahahaha, thats funny. Well what then? You have to be something. Again, go away.
Friend would be the best word I would use to describe myself.
And No.
Not true, darling friends of Branik. I never really posted on forums, never once went into the chat, and enjoyed my merry self on the game. I bought a horse here, sold a horse there, never had a second account, never sold a horse and bought it back for less, never broke any rules. Branik finds out I am friends with Aleks and I'm banned two hours later.
Please explain to me which rule I broke?
Why ask us? We don't know who you are from a bar of soap. If you want to know ask her yourself.
Quite a bit late, but Dixon didn't bring her race up out of nowhere. I was looking at past comments on Branik's blog (ok, I'm avoiding studying for finals ;) ) and she mentioned in a comment on June 16th, actually on the post about Rusty saying she wasn't Indian or whatever, that
"My Grandmothers mother was full Choctaw, her dad was half. I’m not sure what % that makes me…I stink at math. LOL!!"
So Branik knew she was Indian, but chose to pretend that she made it up. Unless, you know, she was planning 6 months ahead to use that as a defense when she got banned for no reason!
Okay, I know this is all very old but I have to comment. I'm kind of glad I stumbled into this blog! I was on the wrong side of Branik's wrath several years ago when she was researching colors for her game. She was asking questions on a color genetics forum and we answered them, and I believe in one of my answers I corrected a color term she was using. The next thing I knew she was swearing at me, calling me names, telling me that I was just a bitch who got off on making fun of people with Asperger's and I didn't even KNOW she had Asperger's until she said that! I was absolutely floored at the lengths she went to to chew me out publicly, on a forum where she was a total newbie! I don't typically sit back and take abuse so unfortunately I took the bait and defended myself and then there were paragraphs upon paragraphs upon paragraphs of Branik spewing hatred at me... other regulars to the forum were trying to convince me to leave it alone because she was obviously batshit crazy which eventually I did. Crazy!! This woman is CRAZY!!!
Yeah, Counter Canter, that sounds about right. Welcome to the fold.
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