Friday, June 20, 2008

Demonmare's Reply She Wanted

I never questioned your intelligence. I never said you were a teenaged girl.

How am I not dealing with it well? I have yet to throw a hissy fit and close my blog because people on the internets are mean.

I also never called you young.

I never went into Branik's house. Like I mentioned before, her game is akin to her going out and putting up a booth in the town square. Her game is on the internet. She made it so everyone in the world can come and see it as well as talk to her.

We are all very aware that age doesn't mean maturity, but the part we have a problem with is just plain nastiness. Whether or not you are "right" doesn't mean you can ridicule people. You're supposed to try and use tact.

I mean, we're talking about a woman who told me, in her forum, that she bred dogs just to get puppies and she didn't show or work her dogs. Unfortunately, she has since destroyed all of this evidence. She is pretending to be some amazing mother figure to everyone, but she's not.

Sure, we can all tell she did a nice job with her game. We can all tell it is very time consuming. I know its her livelihood, but hard work can't change the fact that someone is mean.

I can't honestly tell why she thinks this blog could ever possible hurt her game. This was meant to discuss how her anger issues and foul language drops ER down a few notches. The only part of ER that sucks is Branik.

I don't care if she reads this blog, or if anyone reads this blog. Its been around since before I posted anything on her blog. I just post things that others are to scared to.

The reason why this is about Branik and not Jim is because Jim is rather quiet. I don't see him going to other forums and calling people a "cunt." I don't see him constantly ripping people a new one.

BTW, all those deleted posts you see are deleted by the people who wrote them. I can't help that some people chose to lie, but there is no way for me to prove that.

Branik has worked with customer oriented businesses for long enough that she should understand that people repeat questions. People ask dumb questions. People get mad and send you nasty letters. It happens. That's life. There is no way you can stop it from happening short of shutting down the business.

Being called a groupie isn't even being called a name. I wasn't using it in the derogatory sense.

"The term "groupie" is often used derogatorily, but also used casually and sometimes interchangeably with another word with dual connotations - junkie. E.g."My husband's the football junkie, but I'm a basketball groupie.""

I was using the last one, but you jumped to conclusion because you knew I didn't like Branik. I was using it with the definition of "fan."

If you took that the wrong way I will apologize.

I will also apologize for not replying to your comments sooner, since it appears to have upset you.

I also believe in doing things for myself. I put myself through college, worked since I was a teen, built my own computer, bought my car with money I saved up, do all of my car repairs myself, etc etc. My parents were never able to help me with anything. I had to deal with a war and my family being displaced because they were the wrong religion. We all have our own things to deal with, I understand that, and I applaud everyone who has pulled through.

All of that being said, can you really tell Branik, as her friend, that her public humiliation of Jim_Craig was called for?

This blog is as passionate as an Onion article. Its half a joke, half a sad look at a topic. If you think that I get fired up by any of this, you're mistaken. That's most of the reason why I never replied to you. It is a lot of writing and I just don't really care that much.

Again, for those of you who told me I should quit - I did quit. I quit so much I left Branik's blog. I left her alone, short of writing this. I met a bunch of people before I ever had a run in with her that felt the same way and even more afterwards. There are a bunch of people that want to be able to discuss this, but are afraid of being suspended or banned. This is rightly so!

If you don't like this blog, you are free to leave. There is a new game in the works that we will all go play. Those of you who love ER will still have it. It is silly to think a blog can end a game, even an Internet one. The only person that could possibly ruin it is Branik herself.


Demonmare said...

"I never questioned your intelligence. I never said you were a teenaged girl."

From your own Blog with your name on it...You jump Branik for every little thing that is posted upon her Blog I believe the same guidlines should be held for your own. I have had my words thrown back at me from this blog that I in fact did not post to.

" think they feel special that they are "in" with her. That mean girl mentality. But the majority of them seem well aware that you dont want to piss her off. They dont disagree with her, the same five or six of them constantly jump to reassure her."

"The sad thing is I think that several of her "groupies" are nice people, have always been nice to me in-game. It's really Bran that is the problem."

"However, from what I've seen, is that people ask a question in the Commons and are given rude comments/replies from non-mods, mods and Branik. If they reply, it's seen as rude and the hunt is on! Also, how can it be a private game and it's open to the public....her paying customers? Her little groupies agree with this!"

"I just have to comment on what you said reference ages Chewie... I get the feeling that most of Brans group are teenage girls. They admire Bran for being outspoken, are easily manipulated by her victim speak (which she is great at), love the game, and last but not least feel special and important by being in the inner circle... what does surprise me is the adults who fall for this stuff and act the same way. Really pretty odd that they havent caught on by now."

"It is so sad that everyone who posts for Branik here sounds just like her. They use similar terminology and phrases. I sense a variation on Stockholm Syndrome."

"Anyone want to know the types of characters that Branik builds? Here's a post from one of her groupies."

"Note to Branik Followers:"

And now with this

"How am I not dealing with it well? I have yet to throw a hissy fit and close my blog because people on the internets are mean."

No you have not hit the hissy fit as yet, because this whole blog is one huge "hissy fit". This blog is titled "Why Equine ranch Sucks" but I see nothing of the game itself (unless one has been caught and banned bashing the game) and all about the one visible owner that all feel is within their power to attack, oh and of course those that stand up in her corner.

"I never went into Branik's house. Like I mentioned before, her game is akin to her going out and putting up a booth in the town square. Her game is on the internet. She made it so everyone in the world can come and see it as well as talk to her."

Just because my financial records are on the internet does not mean that you have the right to them. Just because I have email on the internet doesn't mean you have the right access it either. That is my "living room" and you are not allowed. The business is provided via the internet, but the actual work is in fact in her home. I bolded the part where you are very very wrong, as you would know if you cared to read more parts of the blog than that of what you would call the "flaming". Equine Ranch came into conception because Bran wanted to make a game for her friends/and herself that were better than any of the games that she had previously worked on. She learned everything (and still does) on her own. This game is not akin to a booth, that is your thoughts are upon it, not the history behind ER itself.

"We are all very aware that age doesn't mean maturity, but the part we have a problem with is just plain nastiness. Whether or not you are "right" doesn't mean you can ridicule people. You're supposed to try and use tact."

I deal with nasty every single day, and I am expected to "suck it up" and not respond to it because of age. Nastiness is the way that the world runs, it is down and dirty and not full of fairy tales and fancy butterflies. One must have the coping skills in which to deal. But again the nastiness was for those that made the choice to get nasty first. You are ridiculing right now. I have seen the posts that you made within Branik's blog...I will not repost them all for you right now but if you would like I will take the time in to show one right after an other the "nastiness" that was taken into Branik's living room.

"I mean, we're talking about a woman who told me, in her forum, that she bred dogs just to get puppies and she didn't show or work her dogs. Unfortunately, she has since destroyed all of this evidence. She is pretending to be some amazing mother figure to everyone, but she's not."

Again what has this got to do with Equine ranch itself...this is about Branik; but your title states "Why Equine Ranch Sucks". I believe that I would know more about the dogs than you would know from one posting on a forum. I also was there when the choice to breed was there and the heartbreak that she felt when she found out about what was going on. I was also there when she started to nurse the said dog back. I have seen and heard the joy in Branik's "voice" in each milestone that the dogs achieved as they started to come back from there illness, and I was there when the heart breaking choice was made to allow her lines to "die out" due to circumstances that were out of her control. Yet still I wonder, this is attacking Branik again on a personal note and again not on the working of the game Equine Ranch.

"Sure, we can all tell she did a nice job with her game. We can all tell it is very time consuming. I know its her livelihood, but hard work can't change the fact that someone is mean."

But that again is your hear-say. Branik was there when I lost my friend to cancer and was blaming myself. Branik was there for me when I was so down that I could seem to find my way out, Branik was the only one to know how bad it was that I hurt and made sure that I knew she was there for me if I needed it. But like a true friendship, we too have our ups and downs, she too has stomped on my toes and I hers...but neither of us got into a "ripping match". So by a few things that you seen and heard as hear say from others you have judged her mean. This is fine, but that judgment should be kept to yourself. I don't believe that she has face a jury of her peers come off with the conviction that you have issued. Branik's meanness has really nothing to do with the game. I have dealt with some snotty people over the many years, but still use their products because they work/needed. That is my choice, I didn't go out and start bashing their business because I didn't like the person.

"Hey, I never said the entire planet hates you. I'm just saying that your current actions could lead you to live a lonely life. The best friends in life are the ones you go out and get coffee with (for the most part)." (but if she was so mean then why would I not hesitate to "go for coffee" with her...oh right, see above for that, because I am just a "groupie")

I also have to point out...
"Postive Child Guidance Fifth Edition; Darla Ferris Miller; Thommson Delmar Learning; Clifton Park NY; 2008
*Early school agers make observations and judgements about everything around them. Because of their immaturity, however their judgement is limited to a simplistic good-or-bad, win-or-lose veiw of the world. Naturally, they begin to compare themselves to others." pg79

"School-aged children have a powerful urge to belong to a peer group. They sometimes make up their own clubs or cliques with some semblance of rules and rituals." pg87

"I can't honestly tell why she thinks this blog could ever possible hurt her game. This was meant to discuss how her anger issues and foul language drops ER down a few notches. The only part of ER that sucks is Branik."

"Its hard to tell, but honestly, I don't really care. I could care less who Branik is. As far as I'm concerned, Branik is a character on the internet. I'm just cross because I'm not satisfied by what she made. I also think she's the biggest e-hypocrite I've met." (so why does this blog exist and whats it got to do with the game?)"

But this is again not about that. It discusses nothing. The only discussion that I have seen has come I see nothing but flaming, nasty, venomous comments, made in hate and anger. To discuss something one has to be calm and open minded. What I also don't understand is why it is that you would "steal" parts of Equine Ranch and state that this is not going to effect her business. You are going to "steal" her ideas and hard work and the ridicule and insult all those that think that this might not be a good idea.

I bring you to your own post...
"I am using both Equine-Ranch and as reference points. I think they are both very good games, each with pros and cons."

"Thanks to all of you who commented and emailed. I suspected a lot of the things that people wrote but there were a couple surprises. I will definitely be sure to post here when we get ready for beta testing or possibly set up a mailing list."

"I would like a more 'friendly' type environment. It would be nice to have like staff members or employees (they can be paid in sim cash or something) and not just one person running -everything-. That way their could be like a 'jury' and not just one person deciding punishment but, everybody. I'm rambling on now..."
(actually we are volunteers and now we are no longer that as your own government tells Bran that she must pay us to have us...again this sounds very familiar, this description...oh yes because it is all over this blog attacking one person.)

"I don't care if she reads this blog, or if anyone reads this blog. Its been around since before I posted anything on her blog. I just post things that others are to scared to."

But you are again assuming that it is a public service that you are doing. You are now being the "mother hen" posting for those that feel that they can not do it themselves. But wait you are not my Mother figure either, I am past mothering and into my own mother figure. I give all my kids 110% of everything I have, my passion, my knowledge, learn from my mistakes don't make them. This goes for my birth kids and my other kids. I truly do care about them but I would never "put words into their mouths" they can do that for themselves.

See I can't imagine that someone would really post this if they wanted to be taken as a serious adult..

"Branik finally decided to mention my very own blog. Unfortunately, she's too big of a wuss to post it here. Darn. At least I have even more of my own people now. Thanks Branik! I couldn't have gotten this out to as many of the right people without your help."

"I was giving you a taste of what I was seeing behind your back and what I've seen happen to people over the years. Perhaps some anger management classes are in order, but I highly doubt you'd ever accept them. I mean, you laughed at one of the greatest human psychology books ever written. That has to say something about your character." ( I have taken Anger Management course, Conflict resolution (I am actually able to instruct it but choose not too for personal reasons; I am also a few courses off my general studies in psychology so I too have seen the books and probably laughed at a few but does that make me less of a person? What does that say about my character?

"The reason why this is about Branik and not Jim is because Jim is rather quiet. I don't see him going to other forums and calling people a "cunt." I don't see him constantly ripping people a new one."

Hmmm now I wonder what would happen if Jim started a Blog which stated the same things, would your ideals suddenly flip out. I will not, at this moment" go back and get all of Jim's posts, but he too has been called rude, matter of fact they thought at first that it was Branik, so how many of your hear-say stories are a case of mistaken identities?

"Being called a groupie isn't even being called a name. I wasn't using it in the derogatory sense.

"The term "groupie" is often used derogatorily, but also used casually and sometimes interchangeably with another word with dual connotations - junkie. E.g."My husband's the football junkie, but I'm a basketball groupie.""

I was using the last one, but you jumped to conclusion because you knew I didn't like Branik. I was using it with the definition of "fan."

If you took that the wrong way I will apologize."

Ahhh but you are, look up at all the descriptions of those of us that you have called "branik's groupies" and really honestly state that you were not meaning it in a derogatory sense. You have called the "groupies" immature teenagers who are misguided and wanting to be mean girls. You attacked Branik over what I had said, so I feel that you should accept the responsibility of those that post here. I do not like being called a "groupie". From my generation the term "groupie" was not a nice term, it was on that was irresponsible and just "following the leader with no mind to speak of."
I would never in a million years state that my husband is a junkie of anything as that is not a term of endearments in my world. I did not jump to any conclusion, that I know as a fact...I read exactly as it was written and meant by all that used that term. If you meant fan, then use the word fan, use friend, use supporter.

Apology accepted as long as the term Branik Groupie or whatever has been so far been used in a negative tone is stopped.

"I will also apologize for not replying to your comments sooner, since it appears to have upset you."

Not upset me but confused me, you had taken the time to in fact attack a post in which had agreed with me first, so I wasn't sure why it is that you had to take as much time as you did to "deal with me". You have even posted another post before you had answered me, and to tell you the truth I expected much more in a way of detailed response, but I didn't seem to get that. You say that this is a discussion forum on the matters of Equine Ranch, but states more about Bran. I am just trying to make sure I have the right topic.

"All of that being said, can you really tell Branik, as her friend, that her public humiliation of Jim_Craig was called for?"

Do you mean that snit was made by Jim_Craig.
Do you mean this comment?" I realized it would be difficult. It was just an idea. I am sorry if it offended you or made you angry.
Thank you for your time, I will just shut up and play the game and not bother you good folks again."

You know what, in Bran's response I would to have made it short and simple. I saw nothing in that response to say that she was angry. In dealing with people every day I see that dripping with sarcasm....the kid that says "fine what ever" when you have asked he/she for the eighteenth time to sit down, stop talking, ectra. "I will just shut up and play the game" equals "Yah sure what the F**ck ever" which I also here...along with "I don't have to listen to you, your not the boss of me." So yes I see the snit that was made. There was much better ways of wording it, that message is condescending and meant exactly as the tone it came out in. Man if I could dish it out right back to them and hold my job I sure as hell would. I am not sure what utopia you live in, but in my world (the real one) dealing with people who have hidden sarcasm and undertones of condensation gets a little tiring.

"This blog is as passionate as an Onion article. Its half a joke, half a sad look at a topic. If you think that I get fired up by any of this, you're mistaken. That's most of the reason why I never replied to you. It is a lot of writing and I just don't really care that much."

My response is your own words
"Branik finally decided to mention my very own blog. Unfortunately, she's too big of a wuss to post it here. Darn. At least I have even more of my own people now. Thanks Branik! I couldn't have gotten this out to as many of the right people without your help."

This doesn't seem to be something that you don't care alot about.

And again...
"I can't honestly tell why she thinks this blog could ever possible hurt her game. This was meant to discuss how her anger issues and foul language drops ER down a few notches. The only part of ER that sucks is Branik."

And so you can call me and others like me a "groupie", run Branik down into the ground, attack Equine Ranch, but you in fact don't really care. This just proves that this is NOT a discussion, this is a flame. IF it was a discussion you would have not brushed me off as nothing...

"Again, for those of you who told me I should quit - I did quit. I quit so much I left Branik's blog. I left her alone, short of writing this. I met a bunch of people before I ever had a run in with her that felt the same way and even more afterwards. There are a bunch of people that want to be able to discuss this, but are afraid of being suspended or banned. This is rightly so!"

But you have not left her alone, you seem hell bent to get your point across to the extent of this blog, you continue with the posting and the name calling so you have not in fact quit would mean that this blog goes silent or finds something else to work upon. As long as you are attacking Branik you are not leaving her alone, you are just not doing it in her face its gone from frontal confrontation to behind her back...ahhh yes you say she has access to this place if she wants but still this is not a frontal attack...your frontal didn't work.

But this is not a discussion...

"This blog is as passionate as an Onion article. Its half a joke, half a sad look at a topic. If you think that I get fired up by any of this, you're mistaken. That's most of the reason why I never replied to you. It is a lot of writing and I just don't really care that much."

"If you don't like this blog, you are free to leave. There is a new game in the works that we will all go play. Those of you who love ER will still have it. It is silly to think a blog can end a game, even an Internet one. The only person that could possibly ruin it is Branik herself."

See I didn't want to be here in the first place, but you called me in. You used my name...yes Demonmare is my actual real life nick name and people in fact call me that. It is a term that some of my many close friends gave to me a long time ago, so if you are going to call I am in fact going to answer you. If I was going to flame you i would not have come in as myself.

I am assuming that this new game will have Equine, Showhorse, ectra ideas in it, as you going to give credit? No you are not, I can answer that for you right now. I am not worried about the game in the slightest, what worries me is that you are using the game to ruin the repetition of the Game Owner and not allowing people to make their own minds up. You are going on alot of hear say.

You will have to pardon the windiness of my post. You say you want a discussion and I am afraid that I have accepted the challenge of this. I would like to see more facts on what it is that you claim about the game as well as some personal issuances about how it is that bashing the owner of Equine Ranch under the heading "Why Equine Ranch Sucks" has anything to do with game play of the game.

Unknown said...

Branik claims that her blog is her living room, yes? A place for her and her friends to sit and talk about stuff to themselves.

Well, this blog is OUR living room, a place for us to sit and talk with ourselves, without fear of being attacked.

Of course, I was banned for talking to my friends in my living room, but thats ok. It will just serve as a better warning for people. And if she can be a peeping tom into MY living room, then I can be a peeping tom into hers.

Aleks said...

Gosh, look how many of those comments I didn't even post. Not saying they're wrong. I just don't want to take credit.

Online horse sim /= living room. Email = living room. I don't mess with anything of Branik's that she locked away.

What does this have to do with ER? Branik owns ER. Branik runs ER. Branik is unrefined and ruins people's experiences. That's the part of ER that sucks.

I am also by no means a mother to the other people that dislike Bran. I get emails. I post emails. There is nothing "motherly" about that.

In reference to what you said about Jim-Craig's statement. Guess what? She didn't mean it snippy. Just because you've heard it used like that in your own special situations doesn't mean that was her intent. It was defensive. I've heard people jokingly use that phrase when they are backing off and trying to keep the mood light. If you wish to put intent in her mind and words in her mouth, like you said we have been doing here, go right ahead. Even if she was being snippy that does not warrant being called a PMSing bitch. If you can't realize that and let your friend know, you're not being much of a friend. Friend's let each other know when they've crossed the line or perhaps gotten a little crazy. You seem like an intelligent woman, and I'm sure you can take a step back and realize that Jim-Craig wasn't necessarily being a bitch in her reply.

I mean, Ladybird just got SUSPENDED for what she posted on this forum. She went out of her way to post how much she likes the game, and what she likes about it, even if she disagrees with how Branik handles it. Should she have been suspended for that?

Fideaux said...

I wish I had more time right now to respond to this, but its going to take actual note taking and organization due to the length and amount of things that I want to respond to. However, I just wanted to say to DM that a good portion of the quotes you cite are written by me and not Aleks. You have credited her with quotes from at least 3 different people as far as I can tell actually. I am trying to resist posting all my initial responses in a jumbled mess but I fail to see where anyone said anything about your intelligence or called you a teenaged girl. I think the closest I could get to having called anyone a name is groupie. Much better than calling them a C*nt or "load that should have been swallowed"

Anyway, I havent left this site (not that it matters to anyone) but I am in the middle of a 5 day stretch of 12 hour shifts so I havent had any time to respond to posts. I have so much to say.

Demonmare said...

Ahhh but yes I know that I have, you are pointing out a moot fact as I stated right from the beginning that you have used my words to attack Branik, so therefore I should be allowed to do the same, should I not.

From your own Blog with your name on it...You jump Branik for every little thing that is posted upon her Blog I believe the same guidelines should be held for your own. I have had my words thrown back at me from this blog that I in fact did not post to. My own posting.

"Lol and looking down at Demonare's post.. That is too funny. She is saying how, "they feel vindicated in their childish rants. See what you need to picture is some two year old and there you have it." LOL I don't know how she can sit there and post that and not take a look at her beloved Branik. If anyone is posting childish rants then it's Branik. We need only to look through her blog for proof of this." Your Posting that caught my attention.

Now does that not look like you had used my words... I did not credit her with making the quotes actually I stated that she would have to answer to what was written and you have in fact made Branik answer to what was written upon her blog.

I am trying to resist posting all my initial responses in a jumbled mess but I fail to see where anyone said anything about your intelligence or called you a teenaged girl. I think the closest I could get to having called anyone a name is groupie.

But you have lumped into the same group as all the other "groupies" as you would call us. Am I not what you would call a "Branik Supporter" Have you not stated over and over about how were are "hoodwinked" or trying to be part of the "in crowd".

" think they feel special that they are "in" with her. That mean girl mentality. But the majority of them seem well aware that you dont want to piss her off. They dont disagree with her, the same five or six of them constantly jump to reassure her."

Am I not one of the same five or six that would jump into reassure her, does it not say right there about the "mean girl" mentality?

"The sad thing is I think that several of her "groupies" are nice people, have always been nice to me in-game. It's really Bran that is the problem."

Ahhh yes not from you, but one that you did comment upon though. I might just be one of the "nice people" that this one has run into, or maybe not as they remain hidden their viewpoint is a bit muted to me.

"However, from what I've seen, is that people ask a question in the Commons and are given rude comments/replies from non-mods, mods and Branik. If they reply, it's seen as rude and the hunt is on! Also, how can it be a private game and it's open to the public....her paying customers? Her little groupies agree with this!"

I am a mod, so I guess this one is totally directed at me. I didn't not realize that I was handing out rude replies, I am again one that doesn't have the time to muck around explaining every little thing. I I am also not that visible in The Commons and more-so in the Chat as I have always been. Again there is the "groupie" comment, because I would agree with this. Just because its open doesn't mean that those that are playing need put up with attitude and rudeness. Alot of us deal with that everyday almost all day and the welcome relief of not having to deal with it online is very special to us.

"I just have to comment on what you said reference ages Chewie... I get the feeling that most of Brans group are teenage girls. They admire Bran for being outspoken, are easily manipulated by her victim speak (which she is great at), love the game, and last but not least feel special and important by being in the inner circle... what does surprise me is the adults who fall for this stuff and act the same way. Really pretty odd that they havent caught on by now."

Alrighty here is the "group of teenaged girls" comment as well as the shot at my intelligence...I am either the "groupie Teenaged Girl" or I am the "Dumb Easily Manipulated Adult". Just for clarification...which one am I by your standards.

"It is so sad that everyone who posts for Branik here sounds just like her. They use similar terminology and phrases. I sense a variation on Stockholm Syndrome."

Similar terms, but of course we do, we have similar feelings towards rudeness and downright sticking your nose where it doesn't belong. But as I stated when I went to clarify Stockholm Syndrome;
It should be taken into account that according to Namnyak e.a. (2008) the Stockholm Syndromis "is not a recognized Medical Subject Heading (MeSH), that most sources of information for widely publicized cases were of varying reliability in terms of the events that lead to the diagnosis of Stockholm syndrome; the authors had no access to primary sources and identiļ¬cation of a pattern of features exhibited in Stockholm syndrome may be due to reporting bias
So why is it that you use a term that is not even recognized but yet attack those of use that agree because we have a some of the same terms.

"Anyone want to know the types of characters that Branik builds? Here's a post from one of her groupies."

Again the groupie comment, which for you might not seem all that bad, but for me dimisishes my intelligence and zero's out all of my life experience. This tiny little term groupie, though as innocent as it may seem has taken on a very negative tone. Do you think you are the first to coin the term "Branik Groupies." No your not and after three years of listening to it, one tends to feel very negatively against it.

I think the closest I could get to having called anyone a name is groupie. Much better than calling them a C*nt or "load that should have been swallowed"

But why is that better, because of the language that was used? How do you know that maybe Groupie somewhere is way worse than telling someone to go do something physically impossible and morally unacceptable. Even just " go do something physically impossible and morally unacceptable doesn't sound all that good, but there is not a swear word involved in that. The meaning is still there, but the words are used differently.

Again if you were offended then you leave the room, you don't grab the first person that walks by and go "Oh my god, did you just hear what they said." We ask the kids "is it In or Out" are you trying to get someone into trouble or out of trouble. Truly you can not honestly tell me that you are trying to get someone out of trouble...Can you? No this is "tattleing" which is "attention seeking" so you now have the attention, can you possibly make anything positive out of it? I have been trained to make something positive out of almost anything, even though I believe in the worst of some people. With Branik it is the opposite, she is my hope where there is not hope. She is the glass is half full to my half empty, and you belittle this relationship with your Groupie comments. So how can I not take it in the notation that it is being used for. How can I not see it as the insult you have meant it to be?

Fideaux said...

I was going to respond to this in more depth, since many of the comments quoted are my own. But the motivation just isnt there for me. Branik has calmed down considerably since this site was discovered but I can and do remember the tension and pack mentality over there. She wants to say stuff about things that frustrate her, usually about certain customers of hers. We want to vent and say things about how she treats people. Pretty much the same thing the way I see it. What is the difference? I havent called anyone specific a name, if you see yourself in my comments..... I dunno.

Aleks said...

Yeah. I was gonna respond, too. I have other things I'm working on at the moment to keep repeating myself over and over again.

That and I lack motivation to log into Branik's blog or something to see what sort of hijinks she's up to now.

P.S. Demonmare, I don't jump on Branik for every little thing posted on her blog. I have actually made an attempt to mention things I liked, as have other people. Go back and check. If you still want to stand by that I insist that you put together a chart of Branik's blog posts, the blog viewer's comments, and then reply next to each of them.